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Looking to Heal Your Life? 

These carefully constructed step-by-step guides are designed to help you maintain optimum health as you navigate life's more difficult challenges. Through concrete examples, self-assessment quizzes, real-life stories, practical exercises, insights, and strategies, these books will provide the help you need to take care of yourself through it all.
The De-Stress Guide is a step-by-step, practical guide that will help you understand what stress is, how it manifests in the body, how to recognize your current stressors and stress level, as well as how to deal with stress in a healthier manner. This book is broken down into brief sections that include actionable tools, practical exercises, and positive coping strategies to help you change the habitual patterns that are keeping you stuck in a chronic state of stress.
The De-Stress Guide Workbook is your essential workbook to accompany the De-Stress Guide. Each chapter in the workbook corresponds to a chapter in the guide, including practical exercises, checklists, reflective practices, and more.
Lise carefully constructs a step-by-step, profound yet practical approach to help you understand your grief, assess your mental and emotional state, recognize your self-care needs, find helpful resources, and communicate productively during highly emotional and painful times.
Think of the Conscious Grief & Loss Workbook as a safe place to record your thoughts, important information, and to check in with yourself as you progress through time of loss. This book is the ideal companion to the Conscious Grief & Loss Guide.
If you are a trauma survivor, the PTSD Guide will help you understand how unprocessed trauma is affecting your nervous system and how to take effective action to heal yourself. You will learn specific strategies to get relief from the confusing, debilitating, and very isolating symptoms of PTSD, as well as learn effective ways to retrain and soothe your traumatized nervous system.
Each chapter in the workbook corresponds to a chapter in the guide, providing space and graphic elements to work through the practical exercises, reflective questions, and more. The workbook provides a simple framework to work through the PTSD Guide in a step by step, easy to absorb way to help you achieve an optimum state of wellness.

About Lise Leblanc

Hi! I'm Lise Leblanc. I am a therapist, life coach, and author of 9 published self-healing guides. My formal  education includes a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in education, as well as several other clinical certifications (CBT, DBT, Trauma-Informed Care, Suicide Intervention, etc.). However, most of my knowledge doesn't come from books. It's comes from conquering my own mental and emotional challenges. Since my own breakthrough over 15 years ago, I have worked with thousands of people, teaching the secrets, steps, and strategies to overcome difficult life transitions.
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